5 Books that teach you to be the better version of yourself!

Books teach us things before life does! And they help us to find the hidden gems in ourselves about which we didn’t know or were doubtful or don’t know if we are capable enough for it! They are our best confidants and source of motivation. And here are 5 books that can help you to become a better version of yourself! Continue reading 5 Books that teach you to be the better version of yourself!

कविता: गुरु

शब्दों में आभार देना,फीका सा लगता है।आपके बिना ये जीवन,अकल्पनीय लगता है।आप है तो राह है,बच्चों के जीवन में अनुराग है।आपकी कैसे दू उपमा मैं गुरु,आप ही हमारे जीवन के रसऔर आप ही अलंकार है। ©जयनंद गुर्जर Continue reading कविता: गुरु